Monday, 16 January 2012

Costa Rica: Puerto Viejo

Our second city in Costa Rica was much more lively.  Unlike the quiet, hidden-paradise feel Cahuita offered, Puerto Viejo was filled with life.  The roads were lined with restaurants, bars, hostels and shops.  I don't want the city to sound like the busy streets of New York city, it is just that in comparison to Cahuita, it offers a much different vibe.

The town is still filled with friendly people; locals and travelers.  In fact we met our surf instructor the first afternoon in town by simply striking up a conversation with a stranger on the beach.  (Note: If you are interested in surfing this is know worldwide as one of the best places to do so.)

The food was also fabulous.  I had the best taco of my ENTIRE life in this city at a Mexican restaurant bar called TEX MEX (owned by a retired man from England) .

Prior to our trip we were warned this city could be unsafe.  What we found is that you simply need to apply common sense.   Do not wander the streets late at night, on your own, with lots of cash on hand.  I know this seems like the most basic information for anyplace one travels however, I believe the laid back island-feel of southern Costa Rica somehow makes people forget the most basic safety tips.

Although the city is much bigger than Cahuita, by our second day in Puerto Viejo we already knew a handful of locals. By the time we left, we couldn't walk into a restaurant or bar without finding someone we knew to sit down with.  The most common question we were asked was "Why are you leaving?" Believe me, as the trip came closer and closer to the end, the question became harder and harder to answer.

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